Logo of the joint project MANNHEIM-AutoDevSafeOps

AutoDevSafeOps reaches milestone in Stuttgart

Trainings, Sessions, Discussions

At the invitation of the ISTE, the partners of the joint project MANNHEIM-AutoDevSafeOps met in Stuttgart at the end of June. There, the participants discussed progress to date and were able to sign off on a first milestone with the project executing agency. The social programme also included a visit to the ARENA2036 research campus.

Session in the former Campus Guest.
In the hybrid format, upcoming work packages were coordinated with each other.

ISTE invites to Stuttgart

The concepts developed were the focus of the MANNHEIM-AutoDevSafeOps meeting from 27 to 29 June 2023. The Institute of Software Engineering (ISTE) had invited all those involved in the joint project to Vaihingen; they accepted the call, discussed the status of their contributions on site and coordinated upcoming work packages among themselves.

DLR takes milestone

As planned, the project management organisation DLR in Stuttgart was also able to accept a first milestone: the agreement on the overall concept of the project result. All work packages have described how they fit into the utilisation scenario and the overall concept.

Group picture for the AutoDevSafeOps meeting, June 2023.
The ISTE had invited all participants of the joint project to Vaihingen.

Three days of training and sessions

The three-day programme kicked off with an extensive "AutoDevSafeOps Research Methods Training" for the participating PhD students. The following sessions addressed topics such as use cases, technology bricks as well as regulation, standardization and certification. And the social programme was not neglected either: in addition to informal discussions over dinner, the guests also had the opportunity to visit the ARENA2036.

Three participants of the meeting talk to each other.
There was an opportunity for informal discussions on site.

Further workshops in September

The joint project, which is scheduled to run until 2025, wants to present the next milestone in twelve months. The results from the application of middleware, communication and distributed systems will then be presented in the Mid-Term Review.

The next working meeting will take place in Berlin in September. Intensive workshops will again be held to coordinate and integrate the work.

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