Bachelor's program in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Closure: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Standard period of study: 6 semesters

This study program is not being offered in English. For further information please visit the German version of the study program.

The Bachelor's program in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology with a regular study period of 6 semesters provides long-term sustainable basics of the subject as well as a first professional qualification with the degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.).

After successful completion of the bachelor's degree program, students have the opportunity to obtain the degree Master of Science (M.Sc.) in the Master's program in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (M.Sc.). This degree is equivalent to the degree Diplom-Ingenieur (Dipl.-Ing.).

Take on responsibility for the future as an engineer in the field of electrical engineering and information technology!

Study program overview

The engineers of the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Department of the University of Stuttgart have sound technical qualifications to be able to react quickly and flexibly to new requirements and find new solutions. Equally important for them are communication and teamwork skills as well as language and social skills. Leadership qualities are also expected of them, as well as groundbreaking research and development of innovative and sustainable solutions for the future. The courses of study in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology therefore convey this diverse knowledge and skills:

  • The Bachelor's program in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology imparts methodical and professional knowledge that is fundamental for the professional qualification as an engineer in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. The Bachelor's program is usually completed within 6 semesters, i.e. in 3 academic years.
  • In the subsequent Master's program in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, the methodological fundamentals from the Bachelor's program are deepened and the prerequisites for demanding jobs in science, industry and the service sector are created. The Master's program usually comprises 4 semesters, which are completed in 2 academic years.

The bachelor's degree program concludes with the academic degree "Bachelor of Science" (B.Sc.). This forms the basis for a further Master's degree, with which the academic degree "Master of Science" (M.Sc.) can be attained.

The Bachelor's program consists of the basic study period (1st to 4th semester, 2 academic years) and the specialised study period (4th to 6th semester). The 4th semester contains elements of the basic and the specialised study period. The Bachelor's program concludes with the Bachelor's thesis in the 6th semester.

The basic study period mediates a broad foundation of methodical and professional knowledge. University studies provide much more solid foundations than other forms of study and thus ensure that the contents of the courses keep their long-term validity. Other forms of study may be more application-oriented, but risk to become obsolete more quickly on account of further developements. This is the main difference between studying at a university and studying at a university of applied sciences.

The specialised studies expand the methodological knowledge and deepens the subject-specific knowledge in several specialisations, from which the student chooses according to his or her interests in the 3rd semester. In the bachelor thesis, the prospective engineer demonstrates his ability to find and implement solutions for practice-relevant questions from his field of study creatively and independently. Additional qualifications around the course of study allow the students to think outside the box.

  • Basic studies
    In the basic study period (1st to 4th semester), the long-term valid fundamentals of engineering sciences are developed: The necessary knowledge in mathematics, physics, computer science, electronics and electrical engineering is taught in lectures, associated exercises and practical courses. Each course module concludes with an examination or with a certificate of attendance.

  • Specialised studies
    In the specialised studies (4th to 6th semester) the student specializes in a field of interest and deepens his knowledge and skills in the chosen subfield of electrical engineering and information technology. The subject focus is chosen in the 4th semester. Seven specialisations are offered, that consists of compulsory modules, that  must be attended, as well as elective modules, which include subjects of the student's choice, and are completed with a partial examination. In a project internship the student solves in teamwork with other students a technical problem in the institute's  laboratories. Furthermore, the student chooses also a non-technical subject, in which modules from other subjects are included to impart other important key qualifications.
  • Bachelor thesis
    The bachelor's program concludes with the bachelor's thesis. In this thesis, which has an effective working time of 3 months, the prospective engineer should show that he can solve larger related problems in his field under guidance. The Bachelor thesis is carried out at an institute of the department.

The practical training in the laboratory is an essential part of the studies at the University of Stuttgart. Here, the knowledge gained from the lectures and exercises is applied to concrete questions using the working aids and equipment found in the later professional environment. Both the bachelor's and master's degree courses include specialised practical training. Students work on different tasks of a subject area in the institute laboratories of the department under supervision.

The Bachelor's thesis and the Master's thesis are experimental or theoretical works, which are also carried out in the department's laboratories. The student selects a topic for this, which she or he then works on for several months. The topic for the respective thesis is often related to current research projects of the institutes, which are usually carried out together with companies. This ensures a high practical relevance of the work.

The work is intensively supervised. At least one and often several employees of the supervising institute regularly discuss the status of the work and the next steps with the student. Each thesis includes an introduction to the problem area and the processing by means of theoretical considerations or the work in the laboratory. The work usually concludes with a written paper and a presentation.

The Bachelor thesis

  • has an effective working time of 3 months. In the bachelor thesis, the processor should show that he or she is able to solve larger related problems in the field under guidance.

The Master thesis

  • forms the conclusion of the course of study. It has an effective working time of 6 months and is conducted at an institute of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. In this thesis, prospective engineers should show that they have learned to work on practice-relevant questions of the department and to solve them in a given time with given resources. It is carried out by the student with increasing independence and includes a considerable creative contribution.

Studying at a university offers a wide range of opportunities to "think outside the box" and acquire additional qualifications. Just a few of the possibilities are:

  • Attending courses of other courses of study, in some cases with the possibility of crediting in your studies
  • Courses as part of the "Studium Generale" of the Universität Stuttgart with offers from all conceivable subject areas or language courses from the university's language center
  • Obtaining additional academic degrees from other courses of study, for example, within the framework of German-French or German-Spanish study abroad
  • Stays abroad to gain language skills and understanding of other cultures either as part of an industrial internship or as part of a study abroad with the possibility of crediting the required academic achievements

After successful completion of the bachelor's program, students who are suitably qualified can take up the Master's program in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.

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