Examination regulations (official reference)
Contact form for requests for inquiries to the head of examination committee
Information on the examination regulations
Please find further information on the participation in examinations and the withdrawal from examinations.
The following regulations for late registration for examinations apply to the study programs of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology:
Examinations registered for the first time cannot be registered for later. Corresponding applications to the Examination Office or the Chairman of the Examination Committee will generally be rejected.
- Repeat examinations must always be registered and taken by the next possible date within the deadline; otherwise they are considered to have been failed ("administrative five").
- If the registration for the repeat examination was missed for serious reasons, a subsequent registration (in written form) can be requested from the chairman of the examination board. If the request is approved, the chairman of the board of examiners will register with the examination office.
- § 20 of the examination regulations is decisive.
- Passed study and examination achievements may not be repeated.
- Repeat examinations must be registered independently. (There is no automatic registration)
- Repeat examinations must be taken within two semesters; otherwise they are deemed to have been failed. (If there are serious reasons, the chairman of the examination board can approve an exception to this rule, see above)
Possibilities of repetition:
- The orientation examination (fundamentals of electrical engineering including basic practical training) may only be repeated once. If the student fails an orientation examination, it may be continued orally.
- The Bachelor thesis may only be repeated once.
- Any two examinations (except the orientation exams and the Bachelor thesis) may be repeated a second time. If the second repetition of these examinations is also not passed, then this will be continued as soon as possible orally.
Attention: An oral continuation will not take place if the second repetition has not been passed due to non-appearance without serious reasons or due to an attempt to deceive, see §20, paragraph (4). - All other examinations may only be repeated once. An oral continuation of these repeat examinations is not permitted.
Free shot regulation:
- § 28 of the examination regulations is decisive.
- The prerequisite for the use of the free shot regulation is the acquisition of 100 LP by the beginning of the
fifth semester. (For details and exceptions see § 28, paragraph (1), (3) and (5)). - In this case, a further failed examination can be declared "not undertaken" (application to the Examinations Office.) This only applies if this failed examination was taken within the standard period of study.
- In addition, in this case, passed graded pieces of work can be repeated in a maximum of two modules to improve the grade. (Application to the Examinations Office.) The repetition must be undertaken at the latest on the next but one examination date. This also only applies if the relevant examination was taken within the standard period of study. (The Examination Office will automatically include the better of the two examination results in the final transcript of records).
Loss of the right to examination:
- If a repeat examination, in which the number of permissible repetitions is exhausted, or an oral continuation of a repeat examination is not passed, then the entitlement to examination in the Bachelor's programme in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology is lost.
The chairperson of the examination committee is responsible for the recognition of Bachelor modules already completed in another course of study. Please note the relevant information from the examination office.
Information of the EI Department on recognition:
- A compulsory module of the Bachelor's program in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EI) of the University of Stuttgart can generally only be replaced by a Bachelor's module already completed in another program if
- First, the module already completed has at least the same number of credits (ECTS) as the compulsory module of the Bachelor's program in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EI) to be replaced and
- Secondly, the module already completed has at least 70% congruence in terms of content with the module to be replaced in the Bachelor's program in the EI department.
- An elective module of the Bachelor's program in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EI) at the University of Stuttgart can generally only be replaced by a Bachelor's module of another program if
- Firstly, the module that has already been taken has at least the same number of credits (ECTS) as the elective module of the bachelor's program in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EI) that is to be replaced and
- Secondly, the module already completed is, in the opinion of the responsible examination board chairperson, a professional match for the Bachelor's program in the EI department.
The examination regulations for the Bachelor's program in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology provide in §27, paragraph (4):
"The Bachelor thesis must be written at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Stuttgart. The examination board can approve exceptions to this rule."
The examination board has determined that the definition of the content and supervision of the Bachelor thesis must be carried out by a professor from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. Content definition and supervisory approval by a professor in the department must be obtained before the thesis is started.