Valuable tips from the Office of Student Affairs
Tips of the department
The winter semester begins on 1 October. From this date on you are a student of the Universität Stuttgart. Lectures usually start in mid-October. Due to the corona situation, however, there is currently a shift in the lecture period, which begins on 02.11.2020. In the week from 26.10.2020 to 30.10.2020 the introductory courses for students in the first semester will start. The semester dates provide information about lecture and non-lecture times.
The first day of lectures (26.10.2020)
On the first day of lectures you will be welcomed at the Universität Stuttgart, you will get to know the campus and you will be given important information for your studies and about the university. The Study Dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology recommends that first-year students attend the following courses on the first day of lectures of the semester:
- Introductory event of the student council (stuvus) for all courses of study.
- Introductory event of the student council of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology including assignment to the mentoring program of the department and a guided tour of the university campus.
- Welcome event of the Dean of Studies with important information about the study program, including the basic internship.
- First semester evening "Avete Academici" with the Rector of the University of Stuttgart.
The first week of lectures
During the first week there are no group exercises yet. In the first lecture your lecturer will inform you how the group exercise is organized and also how to register for it. The first lecture that takes place is the key qualification Effective Organizational and Work Techniques (SQ-EOA), a compulsory course in the first semester. Here you will also find a dynamic view of the dates in the first week of lectures in C@mpus.

Lectures or group exercises in C@mpus that are marked grey on the side are cancelled and will not take place.
The second week of lectures
In the second week all group exercises take place as scheduled. In addition to the events that are part of your studies, the MINT-Kolleg offers semester courses to help you get started. These are voluntary and free of charge and registration is usually required. In addition, in the second week of lectures, the "emotions" traditionally takes place at Pfaffenwaldring 47: a party organized for students by the Student Council of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.