Democratically healthy news recommendation: aligning NLP with society, theory, and evaluation Event 12/4/23
Every time we fire an expert, the performance goes up? From features to foundation models Event 7/4/23
Towards Trustworthy Human-AI Partnerships with Explanatory, Interactive and Neuro-symbolic Approaches to Machine Learning” Event 6/22/23
EGPGV 2023 Best Paper Award for „Parallel Compositing of Volumetric Depth Images for Interactive Visualization of Distributed Volumes at High Frame Rates“ News 6/21/23
IEEE PacificVIS 2023 Honorable Mention Award for "Toward Reproducible Visual Analysis Results“ News 4/24/23
Beyond the Individual: Modeling Interpersonal Relationships in NLP Studies of Communication Event 2/27/23
IEEE VIS Test of Time Award for Michael Sedlmair and Team for “Design Study Methodology” News 10/18/22