Beginnings and first computers in Stuttgart
- 1958
- Foundation of the first computer center (Recheninstitut)
- 1961
- Prof. Dr. Walter Knödel is holding the chair for instrumental mathematics (Instrumentelle Mathematik)
- 1970
- Introduction of the study course Computer Science (Informatik)
From institute to faculty
- 1972
- Foundation of the Institute of Computer Science (Institut für Informatik,IfI)
- 1974
- Prof. Dr. Rul Gunzenhäuser is holding the chair for computer science (Informatik)
- 1975
- Foundation Department of Computer Science
- 1976
- Relocation to Azenbergstraße
- 1979
- Foundation of Faculty 10: Mathematics and Computer Science
- 1988
- Foundation of Faculty 14: Computer Science
Integration of computer science, electrical engineering and information technology
- 1991
- Relocation to Breitwiesenstraße
- 1996
- Foundation of Informatik-Forum Stuttgart e.V.
- 1997
- Foundation of the Computer Museum Stuttgart
- 2002
- Foundation of Faculty 5: Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- 2003
- Relocation to the newly built computer science building at Universitätsstraße 38
Excellence and interdisciplinary reflection
- 2007
- Cluster of Excellence 310 („Simulationstechnik“)
- Graduate School of Excellence advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME)
- Graduate Academy: Simulation Technology (SimTech)
- 2012
- Start of the study programs M.Sc. Informatik, M.Sc. Softwaretechnik (today: M.Sc. Software Engineering
- 2014
- Establishment of the study program B.Sc. Medieninformatik
- 2016
- Establishment of the study program B.Sc. Data Science
- Co-founding of „Cyber Valley“
- 2017
- 2019
- Cluster of Excellence IntCDC (Integratives computerbasiertes Planen und Bauen für die Architektur), EXC 2120
- Cluster of Excellence „Data-Integrated Simulation Science (SimTech)“, EXC 2075
- Graduiertenkolleg Intelligent Methods for Test and Reliability
- 2022
- Establishment of the study program M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- 2023
- Foundation of the Institute for Artificial Intelligence.
The Institute for Institute for Natural Language Processing (IMS), established in 1986, has created a dedicated presentation to its own history.
If you would like to know more about the history of computer science in Stuttgart, please contact the department directly or the Informatik-Forum Stuttgart. Under its leadership, an entire brochure on the history of Stuttgart's computer science was published in 2003.
Another point of contact for historical questions is the Computer Museum Stuttgart, which is located in the computer science building. Here, the history of computer science is presented and, above all, the technical history of computer science as a whole and of Stuttgart computer science in particular.