Frequently asked questions and answers
The standard period of study is adhered to.
During their first semester in Caen (B6), German students follow the ENSICAEN curriculum and write their Bachelor's thesis. From the seventh semester (M1), they can choose a specialization (either "Systèmes embarqués et automatique" or "Ingénierie physique et capteurs"). This corresponds roughly to the German specializations, with the difference that there is a binding curriculum for each specialization. To ensure a smooth course of study that meets the expectations, interests and inclinations of the student, the choice of specialization should be discussed with the program coordinator before the stay abroad.
The studyability of the B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology is maintained by bringing forward the choice of specialization and completing the electives in the 6th semester at ENSICAEN (1 specialization module is brought forward in S2, the SQ is completed in France. In S5, 4 specialization modules are completed instead of 3). Due to the inherent peculiarities of this program, it is strongly recommended to inform yourself early to discuss the study plan with the program coordinator (Prof. Kallfass).
The German Bachelor of Science is awarded in Stuttgart as soon as the transcript of records issued by ENSICAEN, which certifies successful completion of the B6 degree program, is received by the faculty and the Bachelor's thesis has also been accepted and assessed.
The German students are in Caen during the Bachelor's thesis period (B6). As the French course does not include a Bachelor's thesis, this is an additional requirement for German students in B6. However, all French students are required to complete an internship in industry between their first and second year of study. The Bachelor's thesis corresponds to a "Projet" (12 ECTS), which is supervised by both the lecturers at ENSICAEN and the lecturers at the University of Stuttgart.
The Master's thesis is completed at the end of the program at the University of Stuttgart. This is supervised by both the University of Stuttgart and ENSICAEN.
Students from Stuttgart return to Stuttgart for the 9th semester and continue their studies in the Master's program. A discussion with the program coordinator (Prof. Kallfass) is recommended before returning in order to plan the rest of the course in the best possible way.
In addition to the courses offered by the Language Center at the University of Stuttgart before the stay (strongly recommended), ENSICAEN and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology offer a tandem language exchange between students from both universities. ENSICAEN offers language courses (French as a foreign language) during the entire course of study on site (compulsory courses).
A language certificate is required (proof of prior knowledge of at least B1 level). A B2 level in French is strongly recommended.
You are allowed to take the exams that you should have taken in Stuttgart in Caen under supervision.
The ENSICAEN International Office will do its best to find you a room in a student residence. However, if this does not work out, you will be informed in good time and the International Office will support you in finding a room.
No, tuition fees are only incurred at the home university during the entire course of study and especially during the period abroad.