The mentor program is part of the mandatory key qualification "Effective Organizational and Work Techniques" for first semester students and is therefore mandatory. With this we would like to give you a good start to your studies. Here you can collect your first credit points. The lecture will be held alternately every two weeks with the mentoring workshops.
Students will be assigned to mentor groups at the first semester event for Bachelor students on October 10, 2022 starting at 11:00 a.m. in one of the lecture halls at Pfaffenwaldring 47. Please come to the event to be assigned to a mentor group! Please be sure to also attend the Dean of Students' welcome event at 2:00 pm.
Introductory lecture on October 10, 2022 – In attendance
Please come to the introductory lecture of the Bachelor's program "Electrical Engineering and Information Technology" and welcome by the Dean of Studies on Monday, October 10, 2022, starting at 11:00 a.m. at the campus S-Vaihingen. These events will take place in attendance at Pfaffenwaldring 47.
11:00 a.m.: Welcome event of the department's students council, lecture hall V47.03.
This will be followed by the allocation of groups in the mentoring program of the module "Effective Organization and Work Techniques" for the first semester students in the Bachelor's program as well as a tour of the campus.
12:00 p.m.: Barbecue together with the student council
14:00 p.m.: Introductory lecture B.Sc. Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and welcome by the Dean of Studies, lecture hall V47.04
Introduction of the online tools: C@mpus and ILIAS (in the seminar room)
Time management (in lecture hall 7.01, Pfaffenwaldring 7)
Learning techniques - Identifying and closing gaps (in the seminar room)
Introduction of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (in lecture hall 7.01, Pfaffenwaldring 7) with the Dean of Studies
Exam registration (in the seminar room)
Fundamental Studies (in lecture hall 7.01, Pfaffenwaldring 7)
Due to the current infection situation, the Stuttgart Christmas Market has been cancelled. The joint Christmas market visit with the mentor group is therefore also cancelled.
Presentation of the Bachelor's study awards of the Anton und Klara Röser Foundation (in lecture hall 7.01, Pfaffenwaldring 7)
Dec 23, 2021 until Jan 8, 2022
– Lecture-free days (Christmas) –
To think out of the box
Proper exam sign off, Prepare presentation
Study planning, Introduction of learning workshop (ZSB)
Give presentation
Studying abroad, Erasmus
Study Office Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Laura Steiner
Study Office Electrical Engineering and Information Technology