Group of international students

International Service Point (ISP) – Faculty 5

The International Service Point (ISP) of Faculty 5 is the first point of contact for all our international degree seeking students, exchange students and enrolled students wishing to study abroad.

The University from above

Would you like to stay up to date on important information, events and dates for international students of Faculty 5? A monthly mailing is sent at the beginning of each month (except during the lecture-free period). Sign up for our monthly mailing!

The International Service Point (ISP) of Faculty 5 is the central contact point for international students, who are either interested in our study programs or who are already enrolled in e.g. one of our four English taught master’s programs (Computer Science, Computational Linguistics, Electrical Engineering or Information Technology). You are welcome to contact us for questions concerning the start of your studies and for any concerns and issues you might have during your studies.

Furthermore, we provide information for students of faculty 5 who would like to learn more about our exchange programs (e.g. Erasmus+, overseas programs).

[Photos: lev dolgachov/, Davide Angelini/, Alena Ozerova/]


1st Indian Night at Faculty 5 - Photos by The.third.angle

Contact us


International Service Point (ISP) – Faculty 5

Pfaffenwaldring 47 | Room 4.270 , Stuttgart

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