Privacy Drifters win at hackathon

December 11, 2023 /

Students from the department have won a first place at the SofDCar Hackathon II with their ride-pooling solution. A bachelor's thesis will continue the approach of the Privacy Drifters team.
[Picture: Rahul Chandra]

SofDCar awards prize for ride pooling

Nine teams started in the SofDCar Hackathon II on November 10 to solve challenges relating to the software-defined vehicle of the future. Students from the Department of Computer Science were able to place successfully: The Privacy Drifters team was awarded one of the three equal first places. The group included Rahul Chandra, Marvin Fischer, Lara Kollikowski and Niklas Mikeler from the department as well as Steffen Singer from the Hochschule der Medien.

Together, the students worked on the topic of ride pooling, an approach in which passengers with identical or similar routes are transported in the same vehicle. This is intended to reduce costs and journeys.

The application visualizes data from the perspectives of various stakeholders.

Ride Pooling auf Besis von Ethereum Smart Contracts

The Privacy Drifters built on a ride-pooling platform that is based on Ethereum smart contracts. The overlying application visualizes data from the perspectives of various stakeholders: In the first view "Matching Service," the match making between users and ride providers is visualized. In the second view, "Authentication Service," the data required for identification and rating calculation is displayed. Finally, the last view, "Smart Contract," shows the data stored in the blockchain.

The Privacy Drifters were supervised by Robin Pesl M.Sc.,  (University of Stuttgart, IAAS) and Dr. Christopher Gerking  (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT). Their conclusion: "The hackathon was a complete success for us. The team worked really well together and solved the task brilliantly. We are particularly proud to be able to continue the work as part of a bachelor's thesis at the Department of Computer Science. With this in mind, many thanks to the team!"

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