Examination withdrawal

The examination regulations generally allow you to withdraw from registered examinations. However, there are a few things to consider, which we have summarized here.

  • For the first attempt, you can withdraw from all registered exams online via the C@mpus system up to 7 days before the exam date without giving reasons, provided that an exam date is stored in the system.
  • If no examination date is stored in C@mpus, you must apply for withdrawal in the secretary's office of the respective examiner using this form. If the secretary's office confirms that you have met the deadline (stamp + signature), take the form directly to the examination office so that the withdrawal can be entered into the system.
  • If you withdraw from an oral examination, you are additionally obliged to inform your examiner about this withdrawal!
  • In case of an exam withdrawal for health reasons, a medical certificate that verifies the inability to take an exam (a certificate of incapacity for work is not sufficient!!) as well as this form filled out have to be submitted to the examinations office no later than the third working day following the examination date. The symptoms or the doctor's diagnosis must be noted on the certificate. The submission can be made via the contact form or in person at the examinations office. In cases of doubt, a certificate from a doctor appointed by the university may be required. Please note: currently, neither your doctor nor your health insurance company can electronically send this certificate to the university. You have to request a printed certificate from your doctor and submit it yourself to the examinations office.
  • If you withdraw from an oral examination, you are additionally obliged to inform your examiner of this withdrawal.
  • If the withdrawal is granted, you must retake the exam from which you withdrew, as follows:
    • according to exam regulations 2012, 2014, or PO 2016 at the next possible date
    • according to exam regulations 2017,  2019, or PO 2022 within 2 semester's time

In case of withdrawal for personal reasons, please contact the examination board of your study program with the form you have filled out and a detailed justification (including necessary supporting documents). This committee will then decide on the basis of the facts of the case whether a withdrawal will be granted or not. If the withdrawal is granted, you must retake the exam from which you withdrew, as follows:

  • according to exam regulations 2012, 2014, or PO 2016 at the next possible date
  • according to exam regulations 2017,  2019, or PO 2022 within 2 semester's time

You cannot withdraw from an oral continuation examination, you can only postpone it. Postponing such an examination is only possible for health reasons and means that you will be offered a new examination date as soon as possible, as the oral continuation has to take place close in time to the last written attempt of the respective examination. For this puropse, you have to submit a medical certificate directly to the examiner on the day of the examination at the latest which confirms your inability to take the examination. A certificate of incapacity to work is not sufficient!!! The symptoms or diagnosis of the doctor must be noted on the certificate, as these are the basis on which the examiner or examination board will decide about the inability to take the examination. In cases of doubt, a certificate from a doctor appointed by the university may be requested.

In the study program  B.Sc. Software Engineering and B.Sc. Media Informatics a study project has to be completed, in the B.Sc. Data Science a Data Science project is part of the programs, and in the M.Sc. Software Engineering a developmental project has to be performed. These projects have to be registered for the exam in the semester in which they are completed. Since these projects are continuous examination performances, any withdrawal will be handled as follows:

  • If the withdrawal takes place at the beginning, i.e. before the registration of the examination and before essential services have been rendered, the responsible examiner decides whether the withdrawal is considered to be in time.
  • If the project has already been registered for the exam, the student has to hand in an application for withdrawal and submit it to the Examinations Board. If the board approves the withdrawal, the form must be submitted to the examination office immediately, but no later than the third working day after the approval.

Ansprechpartner zu Prüfungsfragen

This image shows Katrin Schneider

Katrin Schneider


Program Manager, Department Manager & Erasmus Coordinator of the Computer Science Department

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