As guest editors, Prof. Holger Schwarz (Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems, IPVS) and Dr. Christoph Gröger (Robert Bosch GmbH, Bosch) have compiled the now published issue of Datenbank-Spektrum (Volume 23, Issue 2). The idea for the main topic "Managing Data and Metadata in Complex Enterprise Landscapes" came directly from the Die Idee zum Schwerpunktthema „Managing Data and Metadata in Complex Enterprise Landscapes“ ist dabei direkt dem Industrial Data Lab (IDL), in which the University of Stuttgart and Robert Bosch GmbH are strategically collaborating.
In the peer review, seven of the submitted contributions prevailed. In addition to technological challenges surrounding current data platforms, these also address selected legal aspects of data management.
- Data Catalogs in the Enterprise: Applications and Integration (Nils Jahnke & Boris Otto)
- Metadata Extraction from User Queries for Self-Service Data Lake Exploration (Jonas Gunklach, Sven Michalczyk, Mario Nadj & Alexander Mädche)
- Metadata Management and Asset Exchange in the Agricultural Data Ecosystem of the Project Agri-Gaia (Tobias Wamhof, Ansgar Bernardi, Daniel Martini, Martin Leinberger, Arka Sinha, Heiko Tapken, Andreas Schliebitz & Henri Graf)
- A Systematic Approach to Consuming Data in Complex Data Management Landscapes Using Data Consumption Patterns (Corinna Giebler & Eva Hoos)
- A Recommender Approach to Enable Effective and Efficient Self-Service Analytics in Data Lakes (Christoph Stach, Rebecca Eichler & Simone Schmidt)
- Steuerrechtliche Herausforderungen datengetriebener Geschäftsmodelle am Beispiel des Connected-Car-Geschäftsmodells (Carsten Gröger)
- Datenbankherstellerrecht und Datenbankforschung (Michael Beurskens & Stefanie Scherzinger)
Datenbank-Spektrum is the official organ of the Databases and Information Retrieval section of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) e.V. The journal is dedicated to the topics of databases, database applications and information retrieval. It provides in-depth knowledge about current standards and technologies, their use and their commercial relevance.
Finally, in the additional community contribution "Datenbank-Community vernetzt sich in Dresden", Wolfgang Lehner provides impressions of the 20th GI symposium "Database systems for business, technology and web", which took place at the TU Dresden from March 6 to 10, 2023.