(Advanced) Seminars an lab courses

Here you'll find current offerings and information concerning the registration for Seminars (Bachelor), advanced seminars (Master) and lab courses (Master)

Each semester the department of Computer Science offers a variety of seminars, advanced seminars and lab courses / practical courses. The registration for these courses always takes place in the preceding semester via ILIAS. Hints concerning who can attend what kind of course can be found below on this page. Please note that students are not allowed to attend more than one course from each of the offered kinds of courses.

The registration for the laboratory/practical courses takes place in the ILIAS repository under "Ingenieurwissenschaften" → "Informatik". There you will find the course "Informatik-Marktplatz". In this course there is a folder named "07 - Seminaranmeldung / Seminar registration". Here you can upload your preference list for advanced seminars and/or lab courses from now on.

The registration will run as follows:

  • You have to create a personal ranking list for the type of course you are interested in (thus: one for the advanced seminars and another for the laboratory courses, if you are interested in both course types).
  • You upload this personal ranking as an Excel spreadsheet in ILIAS as a submission for the respective course type. How exactly the list has to look like will be explained in the next flag.
  • An algorithm will calculate the best mapping of the students to the laboratory courses, considering the individual ranking.
  • The registration (= the deadline for uploading the individual ranking list / chart) is open until Monday, 27.01.2025, including.

After the registration is closed the algorithm will assign the students to the courses, considering the individual ranking for the respective course type. You will be informed about the results of the selection process via email. Afterwards the lecturers will receive the list of participants and then get in contact with you to talk about meetings and the available individual topics. Furthermore, please check the pdfs of the call of each course (if available) for possible additional information or restrictions.

Please create an excel chart named FamilyName-FirstName.xls with the following contents:

first name last name matricul. no. email no. labcourse at 1. choice no. labcourse at 2. choice ...

Here is a download example as xlsx-file or as ods-file.

Under the headline "No. labcourse at 1. choice" please enter the number of the lab course that is on 1st place in your individual ranking list. Under the headline "No. labcourse at 2. choice" please enter the number of the lab course that is on 2nd place in your individual ranking list, and so on. Please, if possible use the number of the respective lab course, which can be found on the web page, not the title.

Please upload the Excel spreadsheet to the submission folder for lab courses. Please make sure that the uploaded file(s) carry your name to better distinguish the different uploads from each other.

For advanced seminars, the same procedure applies and this ranking list has to be uploaded to the submission folder for advanced seminars.

  • Please note: some courses have obligatory prerequisites. If you do not fulfill these prerequisites the lecturer can suspend you from participation even when you have got a seat.
  • Exam Registration:
    • The exam registration has to be done by the students during the general exam registration period of the University of Stuttgart in the C@mpus system. You have to register for the advanced seminar or Lab course in your program and select the correct examiner. He / she is mentioned on the call of the course.
  • De-registration:
    1. A de-registration from any of the courses is only possible until the end of the exam registration period and only after informing the lecturer about it.
    2. Any de-registration after the end of the exam registration period leads to a "fail" in the course as well as to the consequences mentioned under section 3.
    3. Any de-registration after the end of the exam registration period causes that the student will only get a place on a waiting list on any further registration to lab courses for the next 2 semesters.
    4. A de-registration due to illness has to be approved by the examinations board. If the examinations board gives the permission to de-register, this will not lead to the consequences mentioned in the section above.

Then it is worth taking a look at the courses in C@mpus (registration phases starts on 11.03.2025 at 9 pm). Places that have remained free in advanced seminars or practical courses will be activated for registration there.

Courses offered in the winter 2024/25

Advanced Seminars

Advanced seminars are 3-ECTS modules offered to master students of the department. Depending on the examination regulations, 1 or 2 advanced seminars have to be attended in the course of study. Any free places can be registered in C@mpus from 11.03.2025, 9 pm.

  1. Advanced Route Planning (English), offered by: S. Funke
  2. AI Planning for Ubiquitous Computing (English), offered by: I. Georgievski, M. Aiello
  3. Ausgewählte Themen der Quanteninformatik (German), offered by: F. Leymann, A. Mandl
  4. Deep Learning for Image Processing (German/English), offered by: S. Simon, staff members
  5. Deep Learning for the Sciences (English), offered by: M. Niepert, M. Kalimuthu
  6. Informationssicherheit und Kryptographie (German), offered by: R. Küsters, staff members
  7. Strategies of Modern High-Performance Computing (German), offered by: D. Pflüger, A. Strack
  8. Scientific Machine Learning (English), offered by: S. Staab, A. Totounferoush
  9. Trends in Distributed and Context-Aware Systems (English), offered by: C. Becker, M. Heck
  10. Recent Advances in Computer Vision (English), offered by: A. Bruhn
  11. Human-AI Interaction and Visual Explanation of AI (English), offered by: S. Koch
  12. Music Visualization and New Musical Interfaces (English), offered by: M. Sedlmair, staff members
  13. Research Topics for Intelligent Interactive Robots (English), offered by: K. Arras, staff members

Laboratory / Practical Courses

Laboratory courses are 6-ECTS modules and represent an additional offer of the department. They are compulsory courses in the Master INFOTECH as well as in the Master Autonomous Systems (AS) and most of them can be chosen in the elective area of the other Master programs of the department (but not more than 2 laboratory courses in the whole Master program). Any free places can be registered in C@mpus from 11.03.2025, 9 pm.

  1. Fachpraktikum Algorithmik: Algorithms for OpenStreetMap-Data (English), offered by: S. Funke, staff members (not for AS nor AI&DS)
  2. Fachpraktikum VS: Software Defined and time-sensitive Networking (English), offered by: F. Dürr (not for AI&DS)
  3. Fachpraktikum Theoretische Informatik: Logic App Development (English), offered by: M. Kufleitner
  4. Fachpraktikum Wissenschaftliches Rechnen (English), offered by: D. Pflüger, staff members (not for AS nor  INFOTECH)
  5. Lab Course Artificial Intelligence: Deep Learning Lab (English), offered by: S. Staab, staff members
  6. Lab Course High Performance Programming with Graphic Cards (English), offered by S. Simon, staff members (not for AS nor AI&DS)
  7. Practical Course Information Systems: Data-intensive Computing (English), offered by: B. Mitschang, H. Schwarz, staff members
  8. Practical Course Information Visualization (English), offered by: T. Blascheck (not for AS)
  9. Practical Course RISC-V Processor Design (English), offered by: I. Polian (for INFOTECH ONLY)
  10. Practical Course Implementing Tools for Digital Art and Content Creation (English), offered by: A. Fender (not for AS)
  11. Practical Course 3D Perception for Mobile Robotics (English), offered by: K. Arras, staff members
  12. Lab Course Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge Representation for Buildings (English), offered by: D. Hernandez, S. Staab, staff members

Ansprechpartnerin Anmeldung (Haupt-) Seminare und Fachpraktika

This image shows Katrin Schneider

Katrin Schneider


Program Manager, Department Manager & Erasmus Coordinator of the Computer Science Department

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