Contact Persons

Here you find contact persons for various topics

Study office of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

For general inquiries concerning the study programs of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (exept INFOTECH and Autonomous Systems):

  • Study Office Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
    Email address
    Office hours: By appointment

For general inquiries concerning the study program INFOTECH:

  • INFOTECH Office
    Email address
    Phone: +49 711 685-67820
    Office hours: By appointment

For general inquiries concerning the study program Autonomous Systems:

  • Autonomous Systems Office
    Email address
    Phone: +49 711 685-67294
    Office hours: By appointment
  • Advising students on course-related questions
  • Coordination and development of the course offerings
  • Internet pages of the department
  • Organization of interdisciplinary study events
  • Administration of the QSM of the department

Contact Persons:

  • Program manager ETIT, EMOB, NEE und EENG:
    Dr.-Ing. Markus Gaida
    Email address
    Pfaffenwaldring 47, ETI 1, 4. OG, Zimmer 4.128
    Tel: +49 711 685-67237 (or -67239)
    Office hours: Only by phone and by appointment
  • Course director INFOTECH:
    Dr.-Ing. Emna Eitel
    Stand-in: Katharina Geng
    Email address
    Tel: +49 711 685-67822
    Office hours: By appointment
  • Program manager Autonomous Systems:
    Hannes Vietz M.Sc.
    Email address
    Tel: +49 711 685-67294
    Office hours: By appointment
  • Coordination of the study programs
  • Fundamental decisions in course-related questions
  • Signing of certificates and deeds

Contact Persons:

  • Study Dean of Electromobility (EMOB)
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Birke
    Email address
    Phone: +49 711 685-67180
    Office hours: By appointment
  • Study Dean of Sustainable Electrical Power Supply (NEE)
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Tenbohlen
    Email address
    Phone: +49 711 685-67870
    Office hours: By appointment
  • Study Dean Information Technology (INFOTECH)
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan ten Brink
    Email address
    Phone: +49 711 685-68016
    Office hours: By appointment
  • Study Dean Autonomous Systems
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Weyrich
    Email address
    Phone: +49 711 685-67301
    Office hours: By appointment
  • Recognition of examination performance
  • Decision on the approval of electives
  • Advising students on course-related questions
  • Decisions in course-related questions
  • Decision on the approval of the extension of the thesis and research project
  • Decision on the approval of the extension of the duration of studies
  • Electromobility (EMOB)
    Chairman: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Birke
    Email address
    Phone: +49 711 685-67180
    Office hours: By appointment
  • Sustainable Electrical Power Supply (NEE)
    Chairman: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Tenbohlen
    Email address
    Phone: +49 711 685-67870
    Office hours: By appointment
  • Information Technology (INFOTECH)
    Chairman: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Simon
    Email address
    Phone: +49 711 685-88450
    Office hours: By appointment
  • Autonomous Systems
    Chairman: Prof. Dr. Marco Aiello
    Email address
    Phone: +49 711 685-88464
    Office hours: By appointment

Academic counselling for students changing study program to the B.Sc. ETIT and to the Master's programs ETIT, EMOB, NEE and EENG.

  • Here you can find information about the change of study program.
  • Students who have already studied three or more semesters and who are required by § 60 Abs. 2 Nr. 5 LHG to provide proof of academic counselling, please send the following to the program manager:
    • This form [de], filled in as far as possible
    • current performance records, which also show the registered as well as the failed exams from all previous courses of study.
  • Programming Internship for the Bachelor's program Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (ETIT)
  • Compulsory FüSQ in the first semester of the Bachelor's program ETIT incl. mentoring programme.
  • Advising Bachelor students in the introductory phase of their studies
  • Introduction of an online study subject selection assistant (OSA)

Contact Persons:

Dipl.-Math. Laura Steiner
Email address

Office hours: By appointment

You are welcome to send your questions and requests by e-mail (please use your student e-mail address). In particular, we are responsible for the following matters:

  • Applications to the Chairman of Examination Committee
    Pease send your filled out form by e-mail
  • Certificate for foreigners authority for the extension of the residence permit
    Please send your request by e-mail together with the following documents:
    • a daily updated, complete overview of your achievements (including failed examinations),
    • a study certificate and
    • a self-prepared plan, showing which modules in which of the coming semesters you want to complete and when do you plan to finish your study program
  • Declaration on exceeding the maximum funding period §15 (3a) BAföG. Please send us your request via 
  •  e-mail together with the following documents:
    • the form of the BAföG office as pdf-document
    • a daily updated, complete overview of your achievements (including failed examinations),
    • a study certificate and
    • a self-prepared plan, showing which modules in which of the coming semesters you want to complete and when do you plan to finish your study program

Only complete applications will be processed. Please always enclose your filled-out appplication, your current "Transcript of Records" (Alles) from  C@MPUS  and all requiered documents as a PDF.

Contact Person:

M.A. Elena Minkina
Union of the institutes of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (IvEI)
Email address

Office hours: Tuesday to Thursday 11:00 am to 01:00 pm

  • Secretary of the Program Manager, Appointment for the Program Manager
  • Interdisciplinary student assistants contracts
  • Organization of interdisciplinary study events (Beer and pretzel evenings, First semester introduction, Science Day, Unitag, Graduation party)
  • Reimbursement of travel expenses for the teaching staff of the faculty
  • Budget monitoring for the StudLab, for interdisciplinary student assistants and for departmental events.
  • Fallback of the Study Deans secretary in case of absence of Ms. Schill

Contact Person:

Ms. Daniela Neumann
Union of the institutes of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Email address

Office hours: By appointment.

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