Exam regulations and explanatory notes

Information on exam regulations for Electrical Engineering (M.Sc.)

Exam Regulations Master of Science (official reference)

Only the German versions of the exam regulations published by the University in the Official Announcements are legally binding.

Exam Regulations for EENG (reading version in English)

Exam Regulations (reading version)
Attention: This reading version is not legally binding. Only the versions of the exam regulations published by the University in the Official Announcements are legally binding.

Contact form for requests for inquiries to the head of examination committee

Explanatory notes on the exam regulations of Electrical Engineering (992-2019) - 1

Basic information about exams like exam registration, general regulations, and illnes notices can be found here.

Basic information:

  • Section 19 of the exam regulations is binding.
  • Academic achievements and examinations which have been passed cannot be retaken. In one case, however, an exception to this rule is possible if certain conditions are met, see Regulation on optional trial examinations § 25.
  • Examinations to be retaken must be registered and taken within two semesters; otherwise they will be considered as not passed.

Opportunities for retakes:

  • The master’s thesis may only be retaken once.
  • Two examinations of the candidate’s choice (except for the master’s thesis) may be retaken for a second time. If the candidate does not pass the second retake of an examination then it may be continued orally.
  • All other examinations may only be retaken once. These retakes may not be continued orally.

Regulation on optional trial examinations:

  • Section 25 of the exam regulations is binding.
  • The requirement for making use of the regulation on optional trial examinations is earning 50 credit points by the beginning of the third semester. (For more detailed information and exceptions see Section 25, Paras. (1), (3) and (5)).
  • In this case, a failed examination (examination which has been not passed) can be declared to be “not taken” (upon application to the Examination Office). This only applies when the examination which has not been passed was taken within the standard period of study.
  • In addition, examinations which have been passed may be retaken for the purpose of improving a student’s grade in a maximum of two modules (upon application to the Examination Office). The examination must be retaken no later than the examination date after next. This also only applies when the examination in question was taken within the standard period of study.
Loss of entitlement to the examination:
  • If a repetition exam is not passed, for which the number of permissible repetitions has been exhausted, or an oral continuation of a repetition exam is not passed, then the examination entitlement in the Master's programme Electrical Engineering is lost.

Withdrawal from an examination registration

  • The registration for an examination (= obligation to take the examination) comes into effect with the first registration for an examination date of this examination.
  • You can only withdraw from the exam registration and thus from the obligation to take the exam if you declare your withdrawal at least seven days before the exam date online via C@mpus or via withdrawal form, see regulations of the examination office.
  • Withdrawing from the examination within the time limit leads to a situation "as if the examination had never been registered for".
  • If this withdrawal period of seven days has elapsed, it is only possible to withdraw from the specific examination date, but not from the obligation to take the examination, see below.
  • If an examination has not been passed in the first attempt and if the requirements for the "regulation on optional trial examination", article 25 of the examination regulations (PO) are met, then in one case (= for one examination) the "optional trial" can be applied to this examination. This has the consequence that both the examination attempt and the registration for the examination, i.e. the obligation to take the examination, are cancelled.
    • If the requirements for the optional trial are not met or if the one optional trial has already been used up, then there is an obligation to repeat the examination.
  • An obligation to take an examination that can no longer be withdrawn from exists until the examination has been passed or definitively failed. This also applies beyond a possible exmatriculation. If, after exmatriculation, a so-called clearance certificate is requested from the examination office of the University of Stuttgart, which may be required in the course of an admission procedure at another university/college, then the examination office will clarify whether any open examination relationships have meanwhile resulted in a "final fail" and thus in a "loss of examination entitlement" due to one or more administrative "not passed" (German mark 5.0).

Withdrawal from an examination date

  • If the withdrawal period of seven days prior to an examination registered for the first time has elapsed, then an obligation to take the examination arises. However, it is possible to withdraw from a specific examination date
    1. with a medical certificate stating that the candidate is unable to take the examination, which must be submitted to the Examinations Office together with a completed withdrawal form (see C@mpus) no later than three days after the examination date, e.g. via the contact form, or
    2. with an authorization from the chairperson of the examination board (PAV), which is submitted together with a completed withdrawal form (see C@mpus) to the examination office no later than three days after the examination date (contact form).
  • The chairperson of the examination board (PAV) can only approve the withdrawal from an examination date according to the examination regulations if valid reasons (= reasons for which the student is not responsible) for the non-attendance at the examination date are proven. After a valid withdrawal from an examination date, a new examination date must be registered for that examination within two semesters.
  • If an examination has not been passed in the second examination attempt and if the requirements for the regulation on optional trial examination, article 25 of the examination regulations are met, then in one case (= for one examination) the "optional trial" can be applied to this (second) examination attempt. This has the consequence that this examination attempt is cancelled. However, the first failed examination attempt remains and with it the obligation to repeat the examination within two semesters.

The following regulations apply to the courses of study of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology for subsequent (late) registration for examinations:

  • Exams registered for the first time cannot be registered subsequently (late). Correnspondent requests to the Examination Office or to the chairman of the examination committee will generally be rejected.
  • Repeat examinations must always be registered and taken in due time for the next possible date; otherwise they will be considered failed ("Verwaltungsfünf").
    • If, for serious reasons, you fail to register for the repeat examination, you can apply to the chairman of the examination committee for a subsequent registration (in writing). If the application is approved, the chairman of the examination committee will register with the Examination Office at a later date.

The chairman of the examination board is responsible for the recognition of Master's modules already completed in another degree program. Please refer to the relevant information provided by the Examination Office.

Information from the EI Department on recognition:

  • As a rule, a compulsory module or a compulsory elective module of a Master's program in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EI) at the University of Stuttgart can only be replaced by an already completed Master's module of another program if:
    • Firstly, the module already completed has at least the same number of credits (ECTS) as the compulsory or elective module of the Master's programme in the EI department to be replaced, and
    • Second, the module already completed is at least 70 % identical in content to the module to be replaced in the Master's program in the EI department.
  • As a rule, an elective module of a Master's program in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EI) at the University of Stuttgart can only be replaced by an already completed Master's module of another program if:
    • First, the module already completed has at least the same number of credits (ECTS) as the elective module of the Master's program in the EI faculty that is to be replaced; and
    • Second, in the opinion of the chairperson of the examination board, the module already completed fits the subject of the Master's programme in the EI Faculty.


  • Compulsory electives can be taken from the catalog of compulsory electives, see C@MPUS. A total of six compulsory electives worth 6 credit points each must be completed.
  • A catalog of compulsory electives with eight to eleven modules specific to each area of specialization exists for each of the six areas of specialization of the master’s degree program in Electrical Engineering. Students must commit to an area of specialization when first registering for an examination in a compulsory module. (Attention: The area of specialization, once committed, cannot be changed.)
    A total of six compulsory electives from the catalog of compulsory electives of the chosen area of specialization must be completed.
  • Other compulsory electives can be chosen as electives.
  • The areas of specialization are:

  • Electives can be taken from the catalog of electives, see C@MPUS. Electives worth a total of 30 credit points must be completed.
  • Note: Due to the limit on the total number of examinations which may be taken as part of a study program, a maximum of two electives worth 3 credit points must be completed. The remaining electives must each be worth at least 6 credit points.
  • As part of the electives, up to two modules (max. 12 credit points) may also be chosen from the areas of specialization (from the fourth to sixth semester) of the bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. The bachelor’s modules which may be chosen can be found in a catalog, see C@MPUS. Modules which are similar in content which the student has already passed during his or her bachelor’s degree may not be taken again as part of their master’s degree program. 
  • Elective compulsory modules (from the list of specialization modules) from the master’s degree program in Electrical Engineering may be taken as electives. This also applies for elective compulsory modules from areas of specialization which have not been chosen. (For list see C@MPUS). 
  • In justified exceptional cases, modules from other master's programs at the University of Stuttgart with a maximum of 12 CP can be taken as elective modules. Students who wish to take modules from other master's programs (including German taught modules) must submit the request for approval  to the Head of Examination Committee for signature and send the signed request for approval to the Examination Office before the registration for examination.
  • Note: Students may take German taught courses unless they have already taken or plan to take a course taught in English with the same content.
  • Information about the offered Lab Courses (6 LP) for Master students of Electrical Engineering can be found on the Institute's web pages and in the C@MPUS system.
  • Registration for the Lab Courses is done via the C@MPUS system.

The catalogue of Interdisciplinary Key Qualifications can be found in C@mpus.The Center of Higher Education & Lifelong Learning provides a list of all English taught Interdisciplinary Key Qualification courses.

Examinations can be taken in up to four modules in addition to those which are listed in the program structure. The result of these examinations must be included on the certificate if requested by the student. However, the additional modules are not taken into consideration when determining the overall grade, nor do their number of credits (ECTS) count into the necessary sum of 120. If students wish to have a module credited as an additional module and not as an elective module, they must inform the Examinations Office of this at the latest when registering for the examination. For this purpose, an e-mail has to be send to the responsible administrator of the Examination Office.

Please be sure to read the regulations on leave of absence and especially the permissible reasons for a leave of absence before you apply for a leave of absence.

Please also read the “Further information” on leave of absence, which you can as well find on the page regulations on leave of absence.

Examinations during the leave of absence:

  • You are not allowed to take part in courses and therefore neither in graded coursework ("GCA", "EDC") nor non-graded course achievement "UCA" (in German: "BSL", "LBP" and "USL")
  • Exams of the type “ME” (German: "PL") and repetition exams may be taken.
    Mind: Exams do not have to be taken.
    Mind 2: It is usually not allowed to do a research project or a master thesis during leave of absence.
  • Repetition exams also do not have to be written, even if they actually, i.e. without a leave of absence, would have to be registered for and written in order to avoid an administrative "not passed" (German mark 5,0).

For further questions and especially for legal clarifications about the leave of absence, please contact the Student Service and Examination Office.

Explanatory notes on the exam regulations of Electrical Engineering (992-2019) - 2

This degree program does not require an industrial internship.

However, our students can independently look for a voluntary industrial internship and sign an internship contract with an industrial company. The study office for electrical engineering has nothing against a voluntary internship, however it is not a contractual party of such a voluntary internship, nor do we issue any allowance certificate.

As for the legal aspects of an employment please contact the foreigners office (visa office) or the admissions office of the University of Stuttgart.

Students may apply to the Student Service and Examination Office for a leave of absence.


The research work is regulated in article 23 of the exam regulations of the Master's programme.

If the student wants to carry out the research project outside of the department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology the rules listed in the following information sheets have to be followed.

Information for students and institutes of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Department EI) is summarized in an Information Sheet I. Information for external partners (i.e. partners outside the Department EI, e.g. partners in the department Computer Science, partners in another faculty or another university, or partners in the industry) who can carry out the research work is summarized in a further leaflet viz. Information Sheet II.

Information from the Examinations Office on registering the Research project

Form to register the research work

The examination regulations for the Master's program EENG provide in article 24, paragraph (4):

"The master's thesis must be produced at the department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Stuttgart. Exceptions to this may be approved by the examination board."

The examination board has determined that the definition of the content and the supervision of an external Master's thesis must be done by a professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. Content definition and supervisory approval by a professor in the department must be obtained before the thesis is started.

This regulation of the examination board includes an approval of the external master thesis by the examination board and therefore no exception request is required if an external master thesis is obtained in this way. Further requests for exceptions are generally not approved.

Information from the Examinations Office on registering the Master's thesis.

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