Questions and answers on the current situation
You will find this information on the pages of the University of Stuttgart.
In the winter semester 2020/21 the courses are mainly held in digital form.
Exceptions to this rule are the courses for first-year students, which will presumably take place mainly as face-to-face events in small groups (especially the mentoring program and the programming internship). Special attention is paid to compliance with the SARS-2-Covid19 hygiene concept of the University of Stuttgart (adherence to the distance regulation of 1.5 m, wearing of a mouth and nose protection and the distribution of students to several seminar rooms or lecture halls).
It is also planned that important basic modules, such as "Microelectronics I" and "Higher Mathematics I" will take place in classroom courses. We will inform you in good time before the start of the winter semester (start: 2.11.2020).
- The welcoming events for the new Bachelor and Master students (end of October 2020) will also take place as face-to-face events in the lecture halls of the University of Stuttgart. The main aim is to enable the new students to get to know the Dean of Studies, their teachers and fellow students.
- The aim is to make all welcome and teaching events also available online via the learning platform Ilias.
For all students enrolled in a course of study in the summer semester 2020, an individual standard period of study is extended by one semester. This is one semester longer than the standard period of study in the course of study.
The individual standard period of study has an effect on the period of eligibility for BaföG and also on the free allowance regulation, which can only be applied to study and examination achievements that are completed within the standard period of study. The individual standard period of study also applies to students who are on leave of absence in the summer semester 2020. The University of Stuttgart is currently still examining the implementation of the regulation, further details will therefore be announced.
This information can also be found in the updated corona guidelines (version 2.0) under the keyword "Individual standard period of study/Bafög".
This information can also be found in the updated corona guidelines (version 2.0) under the keywords "Withdrawal regulations for attendance examinations" and "Extension of deadlines for taking repeat examinations".
If you do not have the required ECTS credits for the registration of a thesis due to corona-related exam cancellations, you can still register your thesis, provided that the sum of your current ECTS credits and the ECTS credits you would have gained from the registered (and then cancelled) exams is at least equal to the "registration limit" for the thesis as defined in your examination regulations.
Please contact the Examinations Office via e-mail if you have any questions about this and also to confirm the ECTS points for the form for registration of the final thesis. (Whenever you contact one of the university departments by email, please always give your surname, enrollment number and your study program. We will otherwise be unable to respond to your query.)
You will also find answers to these questions here.
The basic internship, which could not take place in the lockdown situation in SS 2020 due to the ban on assembly, will be made up for in WS 2020/21.
- Students have until the beginning of the 4th semester to provide proof that they have passed the basic internship as part of the orientation examination.
- It is therefore not necessary to apply for an extension of the standard period of study by one semester.
An extension can only be requested if courses have been cancelled or postponed due to Corona.
- This does not apply to the modules that took place as scheduled, albeit as an online event, in the summer semester 2020.
- This also applies, for example, to the basic module "Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering". This is not a corona-related postponement of a course and therefore you cannot apply for an extension by one semester, but should pass this examination by the end of the 3rd semester as part of the orientation examination.
- In terms of examination cancellation for the orientation examinations, please contact the relevant examination office. Your deadline will be extended for one semester.
- If the examination cancellation until the end of the winter semester 2019/20 means that you are at risk of going beyond the maximum study period, and may loose your right to sit examinations, please contact the Examination Office directly for an extension of the deadline. Further information will also be issued for students that will face this issue in the near future.
- The following applies for deadlines for repeat examinations:
- If your examination regulations demand that repeat examinations are to be taken at the next possible date, then the next available date ist automatically the date set for taken the cancelled examinations.
- If your examination regulations demand that repeat examinations must be taken within one year, then the deadline will be automatically extended by one semester.
- If examination regulations state that a final paper can only be repeated within a specific time period, then please contact the relevant Examination Office. (Whenever you contact one of the university departments by email, please always give your surname, enrollment number and your study program. We will otherwise be unable to respond to your query.)
This information can also be found in the FAQs of the corona newsticker of the university.
a) Please check in C@mpus if there are indeed no internships offered for SS 2020 that are eligible for your focus. Therefore, please check not only whether your desired internship is offered, but also whether other internships are offered by other institutes in the same field of study. If you find another internship in C@mpus that is also suitable for your major field of study, then there is no individual hardship case.
b) Please also consider whether postponing the internship to the next semester would actually lead to an extension of your studies.
If no meaningful internships are offered for you, but you must complete the internship in the summer semester 2020, please submit a written application to the board of examiners and send it by e-mail to the secretariat of the chair of the board of examiners. In your application, please indicate the following:
a) a list of all specialist internships at the institutes in your area of focus and your statement that none of these institutes offers a specialist internship or has free capacities
b) a description of your individual hardship case (with regard to the postponement of the study period)
c) which reasonably selected elective module you want to take in the summer semester 2020 and select as a replacement for the internship.